2017年11月1日 星期三

阿榮福利味 MemTest 4.6 免安裝中文版 (6.0 英文版) - 記憶體測試軟體 百家樂 http://www.iwin9418.com

記憶體測試軟體 - MemTest,電腦記憶體老舊、買了新記憶體、設定超頻後、電腦常常出現問題,你可能都會想要檢測一下記憶體,這個小軟體能夠檢測記憶體對於電腦資料的存取是否正常,有發現錯誤時出現提示,不過讀寫測試通常需要數十分鐘到數小時的時間,建議可以輸入要測試的記憶體大小後再執行測試,若不想長時間等待,可以手動停止測試。(阿榮)(下載

HCI Design
系統需求:Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP/ME/2000/2003(32及64位元)
關鍵字:MemTestPortable, mem test

MemTest is a RAM tester that runs under Windows. It verifies that your computer can reliably store and retrieve data from memory. A correctly functioning computer should be able to do this with 100% accuracy day in and day out. A computer that fails these tests, perhaps because of old hardware, damaged hardware, or poorly configured hardware, will be less stable and crash more often. Even worse, it will become even less stable over time as corrupted data is written to your hard disk.

By running MemTest you can ensure that your computer's RAM correctly functions. It is wise to test this when you buy a new computer, install new RAM, or change the configuration of your machine (for instance, to overclock it). Are you the sort of user who likes to push the performance of your machine to the edge? Relying upon whether your machine will boot after your new BIOS tweaks is a poor way to determine the safety of your new settings. Use Mem Test as a true test of stability.

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中文免安裝版 [4.6] [更多舊版]
英文免安裝版 [6.0] [更多舊版]
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from 阿榮福利味 - 免費軟體下載 http://ift.tt/1ONSGgD

